Looking back 10, 25, 50 years ago
The Guidon staff has decided to include a monthly feature in which it will look through past editions of the newspaper to see the new events that were being reported ten, 20 and 50 years ago during each particular month.
10 Years Ago
October 2008
- The Guidon interviews students who have been cyber bullied.
- Guidon staff compares the two presidential candidates of the year, Obama and McCain
- City of Hays proposes the idea of building a sports complex near the Fort Hays soccer fields, south of old Highway 40. The project was set to be completed in 2011.
- English students start their banned book unit.
25 Years Ago
October 1993
- The band has one of the largest number of members in school history with 82 students.
- Lewis Field got a new 1.2 million dollar track and field.
- Saturday School was started for students caught skipping school or those with multiples tardies
- Senior English students participate in mock interviews for the first time
50 Years Ago
October 1968
- Richard Nixon won the student polls
- Spanish students attended a contest a Wichita State University. Some of the competition categories included reciting Spanish prose or poetry from memory, carrying on a five minute conversation with a native speaker and singing a song in Spanish.
- The Guidon received a First Class Honor Rating in the 79th All-American Critical Service conducted by the National Scholastic Press Association.
- Calhounās advertises plaid skirts and blouses for Homecoming apparel.

Alicia Feyerherm is a senior, and this is her fourth year in Newspaper. She is very honored and excited to be in the role of Editor-in-Chief this year....