Seniors win Spirit Count for Indian Call week


Juniors Anna Brull, Eliana Buller and Kaili Bethel cut out pictures for the Hallway Decorating competition. Hallway Decorating factored in to the Spirit Count for Indian Call Week.

After a week of Indian Call festivities, the senior class won the spirit count totals with a point total of 26, two points above the junior class point total.

The seniors had a rocky start, coming in last in the Hall Decorating contest, but then went on to win all of the dress-up days.

On Tie Die/Neon Day, seniors placed first, juniors came in second, sophomores were third and freshmen were last.

The rankings repeated for Hippie/Disco day, Bikers vs. Beacher Day and Dress-Up Day.

The Indian Call Games Assembly was another opportunity for classes to win points.

Juniors won the Dizzy Paper Airplane game with seniors coming in second, freshmen third and sophomores last.

Sophomores won the Riff Off competition, juniors were second, seniors placed third and freshmen came in last.

Finally, seniors won the Big Ball Game, juniors were second, freshmen were third and sophomores came in last.

“I participated in all of the dress up days and it’s really cool that we got first since it’s our senior year,” senior Jimmie Roe said. “I honestly didn’t know we won though until now because I just participated and didn’t really follow it that closely.”