Cast list for student-run musical announced
The performances for “Twisted” will take place on the evenings of Jan. 16-18. The idea for a student-run production was brought to life by junior Andrew Duke, who will direct the show.
The cast list for “Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier” has been released. This Disney musical is a comedy spoof based off of “Aladdin,” but instead of following the story of the familiar hero, it tells the backstory of Ja’Far, the villain from the original tale. The performances on Jan. 16-18 will feature the Chamber Singers and serve as a fundraiser for their program.
Creative and Technical Team:
Director: junior Andrew Duke
Music Director: junior Caitlin Leiker
Choreographer: senior Nathan Leiker
Sound: junior Alexis White
Lighting: sophomore Aidan DeBey
Stage Manager: sophomore Alex Johnson
Crew: senior Da’Vontai Robinson
Publicity: senior Katelyn Engel
House Manager: junior Sam Rider
Poster Design and Lobby Display: senior Kari Satomi
junior Tom Drabkin – Ja’Far
senior Katelyn Engel – Princess
junior Kai Kaufman – Aladdin, Vendor #4, Soldier
junior Gabe McGuire – Achmed, Vice Vizier, Book Shop Owner, Orphan #2
junior Ashley Vilaysing – Maleficent, Bird, Aladdin’s Ex, Nobleman, Soldier
junior Eythun Wyatt – Captain, Aladdin’s Ex’s Father, Soldier #1
sophomore Sam Vesper – Vendor #2, Soldier, Nobleman
senior Marshall Perryman – Abdul, Baful, Bread Seller, Soldier #3
sophomore Carson Brooksher – Sultan, Djinn, Baker, Vendor #5, Soldier, Nobleman
junior Zach Chance – Gazeem, Hawk, Guard, Soldier
sophomore Alex Johnson – Scar
senior Da’Vontai Robinson – Gaston
senior Hanna Dannar – Ursula, Royal Vizier, Townsperson #1, Vendor #3, Soldier
junior Eliana Buller – Belle, Old Lady, Slave #1, Soldier
sophomore Sydney Wittkorn – Cruella de Vil, Monkey, Vendor #1, Thief, Soldier #2
junior Alisara Arial – Sherrezade, Townsperson #4, Orphan #1, Soldier, Swallow-Tail
senior Sierra Adkins – Captain Hook, Townsperson #3, Slave #2, Nobleman, Messenger, Soldier

Caitlin Leiker is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in Chamber Singers, Musical, Spring Play, National Honor Society,...