Achieve team initiates pumpkin decorating contest during PRIDE Time
The new pumpkin decorating contest will take place during the week of Oct. 21-25 in PRIDE Time. On the 25th, the finished projects will be judged. Each PRIDE Time will choose one of their four pumpkins to represent their class against the other PRIDE Times’ pumpkins.
In order to help build relationships among the students and teachers during PRIDE Time, the Achieve Team created a pumpkin decorating contest.
The decorating will take place through the week of Oct. 21-25. The PRIDE Time teachers divided their students into four groups, and each of the groups was given a pumpkin to decorate. If necessary, the PRIDE Time teachers will pick a no-passing day that works best for their class to finish decorating.
On Oct. 25, each PRIDE Time will choose one of their four pumpkins to represent their class against the other classes. After that, the pumpkins from each PRIDE Time will be displayed and judged for an overall winner.
The prize for the winner is yet to be determined.
So far, students have greeted the contest with mixed reviews. Sophomore Abbey Klein said she is not very fond of the idea.
“I’m used to using PRIDE Time as a chance to do my homework and work on projects with people in my classes,” Klein said. “That’s how I’d prefer to spend it.”
On the other hand, sophomore Hannah Giess said that the activity is an awesome idea.
“I think it’s a fun and cool way to get to know people in your PRIDE Time and make new friends,” Giess said.

Caitlin Leiker is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in Chamber Singers, Musical, Spring Play, National Honor Society,...