Marching band leadership for the 2018-2019 school year announced
The list was posted after school on May 17 on the band room door.
Band instructor Mathew Rome announced thursday, May 17, the upcoming school year’s Drum Majors and Section Leaders. The results are as follows:
Drum majors: Cameron Karlin and Lynsie Hansen.
Section Leaders:
Flute: Alora Arnold
Clarinet: Ashley Vilaysing
Saxophone: Andrew Prine
Trumpet: Brandon Kennemer and Chloe Fitzhugh
Horn: Rebekah Porter
Trombone: Cori Isbell
Low Brass: Brett Bowles
Tuba: Calvin Duden
Drumline: Kelby Schoendaller as Captain and Levi Hickert as Assistant Captain
Flags: Myranda Berner

Rebekah Porter is a senior and this is her second year in Newspaper. She is also involved in tennis and band. She likes reading and spending time with...