The new cell phone policy

A year ago students were hiding their phones in their hoodies and behind lockers. Students now freely use their phones during passing period.

“We wanted to give students more of an opportunity to use their cell phones when they need to,” Principal Martin Straub said. “It also gives juniors and seniors a chance to show the sophomores and freshmen how to use cell phones more responsibly.”

Changing from not having any phones in school to having them during passing period gives students a chance to check their phones to see if they received a message they need to see.

“I think it’s nice,” junior Abigail Henry said. “I still see a lot of people use their phones in class and at lunch though.”

Before the administration made the phone policy, students would use their phones during class to text friends or family. Most of the time students’ phones would go off because their parents or friends were trying to contact them.

“I doubt that this puts a huge dent in that overall issue,” sophomore Brooks Barber said. “Unless your phone is in your bag, locker or car, it’s tempting and addicting.”

Sophomore Lieacha Cook thinks the rule has benefited students in a really good way.

“I know I haven’t seen as much phone use in the classrooms from my fellow classmates as I did last year.” sophomore Lieacha Cook said. “I think it is a really good thing that we should keep.”