12 completely random YouTube videos you can watch at school
1.Vicious Dog Man
This video originates from an Australian news station reporting on a man who got attacked by a dog. He gets very, very passionate about his experience.
2.Rant against the Sonic Fanbase
Sammy Classic Sonic Fan throws a huge tantrum and he calls the sonic fanbase a bunch of “frickin’ fricks.” It’s pretty hilarious and definitely worth watching all the way through.
3. Pickle Surprise
There is no way to explain this video, but it’s pretty funny.
4. Heyyeyaaeyaaeyaeyaa
He-man sings a beautiful song and it is the most fantastic, pump-up jam ever.
5. 2010 Illinois State Fair Hog Calling Contest
This crazy contest makes for a super hilarious video.
6. I Smell Like Beef
This haunting video of a baby saying she smells like beef will definitely brighten your day.
7. Bad Lip Readings
There are many Bad Lip Readings videos, and they are all very funny. They are definitely worth looking up.
8. Harry Potter in 99 Seconds
This crazy talented kid made a perfect song to sum up the Harry Potter series in only 99 seconds.
9. You could stop at five or six stores
You could stop at five or six videos, or just one.
10. Noice
Here is a great way to waste three seconds of your life.
11. Just Do It
Watch this if you ever need any motivation.
12. Never Gonna Give You Up
Because a list of great YouTube videos would not be complete without this one.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...
Ashton Balthazor • Nov 10, 2015 at 10:41 am
Wheres darude sandstorm?