Weekly comic strip introduced to Guidon Online
“Charlotte and Company” is the name of the weekly comic strip that will be produced by cartoonist, sophomore Elizabeth Lee.
The cartoon will feature a multitude of characters and Charlotte, a fish in a bowl.
So far, Lee says there isn’t much of an ongoing story line.
“Charlotte is just a fish trying to blend in at a mostly human school by using a robot body and voice to interact with everyone,” Lee said. “This becomes difficult since the way a fish sees things is very different, even to her classmates that are also animals. ”
Lee said her main inspiration for creating the comic is “Andre and Karl”, a progressive Tumblr-based comic about everyday life twisted into an “animalistic” way.
“I don’t think I’ll ever make my comic as serious as ‘Andre and Karl’ is,” Lee said. “I want it to have more of a fun and friendly vibe.”
Lee has been a cartoonist ever since she was a kid.
“Comics are very underrated medium in terms of creating and I think it’s something that should be used more often with a ton of different genres,” Lee said. “Watching your characters come to life and have a voice as if they were moving on screen is the best part of creating.”

Anniston Weber is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Guidon and a senior this year. She has been involved with the Guidon for three years. In addition to being...

This is Elizabeth Lee and this is her second year in newspaper. She is in orchestra, draws Charlotte and co. and is looking forward to spending her senior...