Orchestra takes trip to Colorado Symphony
On Sept. 17, the Hays High School orchestra departed at 6:40 a.m. for their trip to Denver, Colo. Their trip consisted of many different activities, but the focus was to see the Colorado Symphony.
They arrived early that afternoon, and their first activity was to visit the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Later that evening, the group got dressed to attend the Colorado Symphony. The feature of the night was Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.”
“I really liked it, but some of the people really hated it,” sophomore Caleb King said.
The next day, the students went to the Flat Iron Mountains and were given options to stay active, including hiking, running, playing disc golf or just socializing.
“The temperature outside was really nice,” sophomore Samara DeWitt said.
Before making their way home, they went shopping at Pearl Street Mall. At the mall, there were a lot of street performers and good food.
“There was a guy standing on a ball juggling,” King said. “It was very impressive.”

Hi there! I am Tavia Wynn-Coffman, and I am a senior. This is my third year on the news staff, and I hope to make the staff a welcoming and fun place for...