Journalism students inducted into Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society
Junior Leah Legleiter lights a candle at the Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society ceremony.
On Wednesday, May 12, the Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for student journalists inducted 10 students into the Hays High chapter of the organization.
The ceremony was held in the Lecture Hall and was led by journalism instructor Jessica Augustine. There were 10 students involved with either newspaper or yearbook who were inducted into the organization. The ceremony included lighting a candle and reciting a pledge.
Junior Leah Legleiter, who is in yearbook, was one of the students inducted into the society.
“After we were inducted, Augustine read a biography about each student that was inducted as she gave us our certificate,” Legleiter said. “I thought the ceremony was cool because it was more than just receiving a piece of paper. It was very interactive and personal.”
Students involved with the organization will work on service projects throughout the year that relate to journalism in some way. Junior Jersey Johnson, who is also in yearbook, said she is looking forward to participating in the organization next school year.
“Next year, I am not sure what it will look like in terms of service projects, but I am very excited for what is to come,” Johnson said. “I love being able to be more involved with journalism in any way that I can and just showcase this passion of mine.”

I am Ryan Schuckman, and I am a senior. I enjoy playing tennis and pickleball, making videos and being outdoors. This is my second year in newspaper.