Juniors campaign for executive officer positions in Student Council
Student Council elections are right around the corner, with voting taking place during PRIDE Time on Wednesday, April 28. Many juniors have been campaigning and preparing speeches for this event.
Applicants were required to fill out a form and prepare a speech. Any student can vote for executive officers, but only members of the specific grades can vote for class officers.
As of right now, there are two juniors running for the position of StuCo President. Juniors Alex Johnson and Aleyia Ruder are running against each other for the title.
“I decided to run for office because I like being a part of things and staying involved throughout the school, and I feel like it’s a great opportunity within the school to help and spark fun events and participation,” Ruder said.
Johnson said he feels similarly and just hopes to make students’ high school experience the best it can be. He is currently serving as the Junior Class president.
“I always believe that a child’s time in high school is a time that cannot be replaced,” Johnson said. “I am running for this very important position to make times like these memorable. I would like to help create a safe, fun and exciting environment for the students of Hays High.”

The two opponents have been campaigning in an effort to win the popular vote. Johnson has been utilizing social media for his campaign, and he even announced his run for president over Snapchat.
“With the election being a little over a week away, I still have a lot of work to do,” Johnson said. “We have flyers put out and taped on walls, I have a campaign social media account up and running (@repalexjohhson) and we do have campaign videos that will be out ASAP.”
Ruder’s decision to run was a little more spontaneous, and she is still figuring out how she wants to approach her campaign.
“I am still kind of planning the whole campaign thing, considering I submitted the application fairly quickly without having it planned out, but I have really cool ideas on what I should campaign on that are being plugged into the equation by friends, so I am excited to see how it turns out,” Ruder said.
In addition to that, Ruder is in the process of creating merchandise. Graphic design student senior Alexis Pfannenstiel has made a potential shirt design in favor of Ruder that anyone would be able to purchase.
All in all, the two students are excited to see how the election plays out and just want the best for the student body.
“I think that, regardless of whoever wins any of the positions, that the school is in good hands, and StuCo will be a smooth-sailing ship,” Ruder said. “It’s exciting to see everyone’s activity for it though.”

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...