Student Council holds a January SAFE breakout room
A group of students in Augustine’s PRIDE Time participate in the SAFE breakout activity.
On the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 6, all students participated in a Seatbelts Are For Everyone (SAFE) breakout room held by Student Council.
“This is a national campaign that targets the importance of wearing seatbelts, but it also touches on safe driving practices and distracted driving awareness,” StuCo sponsor Alicia Brungardt said. “We used the breakout for our kick-off event, and we will continue with monthly activities, including pledge cards and video reminders.”
StuCo incorporated SAFE into their Christmas hallway decorating by using SAFE slogan cards. The breakout room activity occurred during PRIDE Time in groups of two to four students.
“I think it went well, especially when you think about the fact that 900-plus students had to participate,” Brungardt said. “We also learned a little, so if and when we do this again, we will improve our performance.”
The PRIDE Times that had the groups that finished the breakout room the fastest won donuts. The three winning PRIDE Times were those of Jerold Harris, Beth Schiel and Luke Lundmark.
“I think the activity went well,” StuCo treasurer Hope Kisner said. “The students seemed engaged and excited for the activity and to win the donuts.”
Kisner was in charge of designing the breakout room.
“This was a really unique and interactive way we could reinforce safe driving for our Seatbelts Are For Everyone Campaign,” StuCo president Alicia Feyerherm said. “Hope Kisner did a wonderful job.”
StuCo officers will also complete a total of three SAFE surveys during the school year. These surveys record seatbelt usage at Hays High.
“ThinkFast is another event we will do,” Brungardt said. “ThinkFast is a game show that targets the concepts of safe driving.”

Alexandra Coveney is a senior, and this is her second year in newspaper. She is involved in band, Spirit Club, Student Council, Future Medical Professionals...