Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test occurs at HHS
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-choice test that helps students identify which Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) will be the best fit for them. It also measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.
The free test was optional for students in Grades 10-12 and given from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Dec. 1 in the Hays High library.
The ASVAB test is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school and post-secondary students.
The test has eight areas, including general science, arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, electronics information, auto and shop information, and mechanical comprehension.
“The military started testing people for military service after [World War I],” counselor Amy Miller said. “Over the years, they have used different tests to determine the aptitude (natural ability) of people.”
Miller said the ASVAB was introduced in 1968, and in 1974, the Department of Defense decided to use the ASVAB for screening military enlistees and assigning them to military occupations. All enlistees must take the ASVAB, and it can be taken more than once.
“For students who are not planning to go into the military, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a free career planning resource,” Miller said. “The ASVAB takes the results of your aptitude battery results and incorporates them with an interest inventory (that is taken during the interpretation session) to help each person explore potential careers.”
Miller said 10 to 20 students take the ASVAB each year. Prior to this year, the test given at HHS was opened to area schools.
“ASVAB provides students the opportunity to take a standardized test free of charge,” Miller said. “Although the test content is different than a college entrance exam, it provides students with another testing opportunity.”

Alexandra Coveney is a senior, and this is her second year in newspaper. She is involved in band, Spirit Club, Student Council, Future Medical Professionals...