Journalism team competes at Kansas Scholastic Press Association regional contest
The journalism team participated in Kansas Scholastic Press Association regional contests at the Fort Hays State University on Thursday, Feb. 27.
Out of the 36 events the team entered, 25 qualified for state.
Journalism instructor Jessica Augustine said she was impressed with how the group did this year.
“We did pretty well, considering that some people competed for the first time or some people competed in different events than they had in the past,” Augustine said.
Augustine said that, overall, state contests are a lot more difficult than regionals.
“State is always tougher just because it combines all the regionals, and 5A and 6A especially is tough,” Augustine said. “It’s a lot tougher, but I think that if our team practices and takes some time, especially with the digital submissions and with some onsite practice exercises, we’ll do well.”
State journalism will occur in Lawrence on Saturday, May 2. The team will be spending the weekend there.
The results for regionals are as follows:
Copyediting – Allison Hillebrand received an Honorable Mention (HM)
Sports Writing – McKena McBride for third, and Brenna Schwien received an HM
Editorial Cartoon – Grace Moroni and Paige Polifka-Denson received HM
Yearbook Copy Writing – Cassidy Prough for second, and Caitlin Leiker received an HM
Feature Writing – Alicia Feyerherm for first
News Writing – Michaela Austin for second
Cutline Writing – Hope Schumacher for first, and Erica Malleck for third
Editorial Writing – Alicia Feyerherm for second
Yearbook Sports Writing – Fernando Zarate for second, and Grace Desbien received an HM
Headline Writing – Allison Brooks for second, and Allison Hillebrand received an HM
Infographics – Lexe Pfannenstiel and Paige Polifka-Denson received HM
News Page Design – Alicia Feyerherm received an HM
Photo Illustration – Paige Polifka-Denson received an HM
Sports Photography – Erica Malleck for second
Yearbook Layout – Emma Pfannenstiel for second, and Paige Polifka-Denson received an HM
Yearbook Theme – Emma Pfannenstiel and Paige Polifka-Denson and Grace Moroni and Cassidy Prough received HM

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...