Hays High teacher recognized as Kansas Master Teacher

Instructor Kathy Wagoner receives recognition by Emporia State University as a Kansas Master Teacher.
Emporia State University (ESU) selected seven Kansas school instructors as the 2020 Kansas Master Teachers.
This year, English instructor Kathy Wagoner was among the selected for this honor.
Each teacher will receive a check for $1,000 through the Bank of America Charitable Foundation.
In an article on the ESU Master Teacher page, it states that “Kathy Wagoner’s goal for her students means encouraging them to be life-long learners, to communicate effectively with others—in the written, verbal and non-verbal ways, to read and write more than through text messages with friends, and to critically think about issues.”
The articles also addresses quotes from her application.
“’The most important factor in keeping students in school and learning centers around their feeling of belonging,’ she states.”
These Master Teachers will be honored on Master Teacher Day on April1 at ESU.
This day will consist of multiple recognition activities, the teachers will present a seminar and an honorable social hour will occur, followed by a banquet and award ceremony.
Tickets for the dinner are for sale for $20. Reservations are required by March 20.
“Word choice matters, as a current student demonstrated in writing about Wagoner, ‘It’s not just how great a teacher she is that makes her worthy of this award; it’s how great of a person she is. Her passion and mindset is inspiring and unmatched. The way she teaches is unique and from her heart,’” ESU’s article states.

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...