Red Cross Club hosts blood drive
Senior Nathan Erbert donates blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Nov. 12.
Red Cross hosted a blood drive on Nov. 12 in the Hays High Gym B.
This was the first blood drive of the school year, and they will be hosting another one during the spring.
Red Cross collected 69 units of blood, which means 69 successful donations happened.
“One donation can save up to three lives,” Red Cross Club sponsor Jayme Goetz said.
Goetz has been the sponsor of Red Cross Club for four years, when she was asked if she would lead it.
“The blood drives are really good because they help kids see that cultures really aren’t that scary, donating blood isn’t that big of a deal, and it can create a really healthy routine early on,” Goetz said. “Hopefully, they can become lifetime donors.”
For the blood drive, Hays also scheduled a competition with Great Bend for the spring blood drive on March 5.
To donate, you have to be 16-years-old with parental consent, or at least 17-years-old to donate without parental consent.
“The kids that did donate did a very good job,” Goetz said. “Sometimes the line can be long because it takes some people longer to donate, but they did a very good job waiting.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...