Indian Call activites conclude
Indian Call activities came to an end with the annual dance in Gym B, 8:00-10:30p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 9.
The Indian Call king and queen were announced after the Varsity Girls’ basketball on Feb. 8. The winning candidates for Indian Call were Cade Swayne and Hannah McGuire.
Swayne said he wasn’t fazed by being chosen for king.
“I really didn’t have much of a reaction,” Swayne, said, “I was stuck in between preparing for a big conference game and being a candidate so I had almost no reaction.”
However, Swayne says he enjoyed his time in being a candidate.
“Being a candidate was pretty fun,” Swayne said, “I was surrounded by a bunch of good people and we all communicated very well to lead to an eventful week.”
The spirit days during Indian Call week were Monochromatic Monday, Farmer’s Day on Tuesday, Favorite Vine/Meme on Wednesday, Twinning Thursday, and Formal Friday. There was no Twin Day due to school being cancelled Thursday.
“My favorite dress up day was meme day because it was something new that we haven’t done before and everyone seemed to have fun with it,” Indian Call candidate Johnny Fuller said.

Students at the Indian Call dance watching Indian Call royalty Cade Swayne and Hannah McGuire doing the traditional slow dance for the winning candidates.
The ending class scores for spirit week were juniors with 38 points, seniors with 37 points, sophomores with 31 points, and freshmen with 22 points.
Sophomore Weston Hoskins said he thoroughly enjoyed Indian Call week.
“My favorite part was finding out which candidates won,” Hoskins said, “I think it’s a cool ceremony.”
The attire for the dance was semi-formal optional, with a theme of “Boot Scootin’ Boogie.” The attire change was to encourage participation of students.
“I thought the theme of Indian Call this year was fun and brought a sense of what living in Hays, Kansas is about,” Fuller said.
Hoskins also liked the theme chosen for this year’s Indian Call Dance.
“I thought the theme was pretty cool,” Hoskins said, “The only thing I didn’t really dig was there was a very excessive amount of country music at the dance and not enough hype music.”
There were just under 200 students that attended the dance, the number being a little lower than last year’s.
“I really enjoyed being an Indian Call candidate,” Fuller said, “My favorite part of Indian Call was being with my friends and just having a good time with a lot of people.”

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...

Madison Weber is a junior and this is her third year in newspaper. She is ecstatic to be the online editor-in-chief and she plans to strive for Pacemaker...