Third Perryman brother receives Eagle Scout award
Junior Marshall Perryman giving his grandfather, Clifton Ottaway, a mentor pin. He was to give the mentor pin to someone who has helped him through his journey in becoming an Eagle Scout.
Junior Marshall Perryman was given his Eagle Scout award during an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony held at the Messiah Lutheran Church on Feb. 3.
Perryman had the responsibility of planning his ceremony on his own, with help from his mother. He is the youngest of 3 brothers who have all received the award.
“So first off, we started the ceremony with a color guard, meaning we get the American flag and the Kansas flag and we cross the colors and place them at the podium, making sure the American flag faces the crowd, and we start everything,” Perryman said.
Troop 101 members, Luke Montgomery, Scout Perryman, and Ethan Voss presented the colors. Reverend Rocco Mallardi said the invocation.
“We had my scout master say a few words about what an eagle is and we had one of the assistant scout masters talk about the ranks and how to achieve them,” Marshall said.
There are rank steps required before getting one’s eagle. The beginning rank is Boy Scouts, then it goes on to tenderfoot, second class, first class, star, life, then eagle.
Troop 101 members Ethan Klaumeyer and Callen Rumbaugh then performed the Scout Law Ceremony. Rumbaugh was proud to participate in the ceremony.
“I think it’s very important to get your eagle award,” junior Callen Rumbaugh said, “Not only is it the highest rank achievement in Boy Scouts, it is also something that will mean a lot to you later in life.”
Next, other Eagle Scouts spoke, including Hunter Perryman, Scout Perryman, Andrew Prine, and Sam Pyle. Marshall also asked two people he saw as mentors in his life to briefly speak about him, orchestra teacher Joan Crull and retired vocal director Johnny Matlock.
“After that I went up, gave my grandfather a mentor pin, got my awards, and thanked everyone,” Marshall said.
The ceremony ended with Marshall making his way around the room to speak to those in attendance as they enjoyed cookies and punch. Marshall also gave tours of his service project, a supply closet for the Messiah Lutheran Church, he completed while earning his Eagle Scout.
Marshall earned 34 merit badges in total.
“Besides the service project, which had to benefit the community in some way, there are 13 specific badges and 21 badges required overall,” Perryman said, “It’s a lot of work and I loved it.”

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...