Marketing Applications class travels to Briefspace
The Dane G. Hansen Foundation contributed money to help Briefspace open in Hays. This space is open to anyone, but it does have a price which varies based on ones needs.
Briefspace is an office space for individuals who work at home who need to cooperate with other individuals.
Twelve Marketing Applications students traveled to the space to see what it is about and how people use it on Oct. 30.
“It’s pretty nice,” senior Connor Teget said. “You can really get away from people in a big space like that.”
At Briefspace, members are given access to desks, a full kitchen, phone booths where they can take calls, conference rooms, an on-site community manager, copier, printer, scanner and one gig WiFi provided by Eagle Communications.
It was officially opened in September, and they currently have five members who pay from $300 to $75 per month, depending on what services they desire. A day pass may also be purchased for $25.
This space will also give students in Ellis county the opportunity to participate in the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge at the end of February and beginning of March. The participants could win cash prizes and move on to the state competition at K-State in April.
“We also plan to host some pitch nights down here, kind of like a Shark Tank,” executive director of GrowHays Doug Williams said. “A session where, not necessarily high school aged, but any age could come in, an existing business that wants to expand can come down and pitch their idea to bankers, investors, whomever wants to come down. We’re going to have prizes for that, and hopefully match up some would-be entrepreneurs or someone who wants to grow with the right resources to do that.”
Instructor Shaina Prough planned the trip to Briefspace to educate her students.
“I wanted to introduce students, as potential young entrepreneurs to opportunities in Hays,” Prough said. “There’s opportunity to network with others in the community without having your own office, without having your own ‘storefront’ with other business professionals in the comunity.”

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...