Open house and Post-Secondary Planning meeting organized to help parents
Instructor Erin Deenihan speaks to the parents of her Advanced Algebra II class about their Canvas page. Parents were told how students can use this page for ACT prep as well as catching up on classes missed.
The Post-Secondary Planning meeting and open house took place on Aug. 27, and they were both designed to help parents understand more about their students options.
“The open house was an option for parents to follow their students schedule and hear from each teacher,” counselor Suellyn Stenger said. “The purpose of the Post-Secondary Planning was to present information to the parents specifically on planning for life after high school. A variety of topics were covered. We emphasized that the more education one has, the more money they are going to earn and the better chance of successful employment. Studies show that by 2020, 71 percent of the jobs are going to require some kind of post secondary certificate or degree.”
The Post-Secondary Planning took place from 6-6:45 p.m. During this time, parents of juniors met in the Lecture Hall and parents of seniors met in the Cafeteria.
“We will meet with the seniors tomorrow during seminar and go over the same PowerPoint that parents heard,” Stenger said. “We will meet with the juniors during seminar on Sept. 11.”
The open house took place from 7-9 p.m. and parents were given time to visit each of their child’s classes for five minutes. Instructors spoke about topics such as what the class was about and how students were to stay up on their work with Canvas.
Student Council also spoke during the Open House about how parents can help the school by signing up for a Dillions card.
“If parents have a Dillions rewards card, they need to help support Hays High,” senior Treasurer Kallie Leiker said.
Leiker said for every new family who signs up, StuCo gets $5.
“When they support Hays High, we get money back every time they go shopping there,” senior Tech Officer Madyson Flax said. “This could really help because we have such a low budget this year.”

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...