Gordmans donates $2,500 for activities designed to positively influence students
Principal Martin Straub, seniors Shyann Schumacher, Peyton Thorell and Superintendent John Thissen accept the donation at the opening of Gordmans on Aug. 16. The donation was for $2,500 which will be used for student activities that are positive influences.
Gordmans department store donated $2,500 to the school on Aug. 16.
“They called me, probably about the first week in July, and asked if there was anything they could help with,” Principal Martin Straub said. “I talked to them about several things, and they were most interested in this one (the Super Fan app)
. Part of it will go to the Super Fan app so Student Council (StuCo) doesn’t have to raise money for prizes for the kids. The rest of the dollars may go to if we run out of styluses, so kids don’t have to go buy styluses.”
The money could also be used for StuCo if they do not receive the Seatbelts are for Everyone (S.A.F.E) grant again this year.
“Anything that goes directly back to kids, we’ll put in a fund called Pat on your Back,” Straub said. “That’s what that fund is for. We might spend some money on the pantry, but we really have a lot of good donors when things get low in the pantry, if that’s necessary. Some of the money could go there, but I’m hopefully that they won’t have to.”
The department store gives back to local schools and creates funds for future donations.
“They have a rewards program, and when people check out, they ask if they would like to donate to local public schools,” Straub said. “He said that right now they already have $900 in a fund that will go to public schools in the future, so that’s kind of cool.”
Straub accepted the donation in front of community members lined up for the store opening and members of the local Chamber of Commerce.
“It was cool,” Straub said. “They had a ribbon cutting ceremony, and the regional manager out in Denver was here along with a couple of his staff to help with the kick off day.”

Seniors Shyann Schumacher and Peyton Thorell attended the opening of Gordmans to help accept the donation. Schumacher is the vice president of StuCo and Thorell the president.

Isabelle Braun is a senior who loves talking to new people and spending time with friends. She is very driven and plans to make her senior year the best...