Journalism students attend national convention in Seattle
Several journalism students, along with adviser Bill Gasper, had the opportunity to travel to Seattle to a journalism conference that began on April 7. The nine students and their adviser left for Denver Thursday morning and did not return until April 9.
Junior Amiyah Gonzalez jumped at the chance to go on the trip as she knew it was once in a lifetime.
“I realized that I would probably never get an opportunity like this again and I was extremely excited for the educational and personal experience,” Gonzalez said. “Another reason was the fact that some of my best friends were going and I knew how amazing it would be to experience this together.”
Sophomore Isabelle Braun’s reasoning for attending was a bit different than Gonzalez’s.
“I want to live there,” Braun said. “Being able to see what it was like was a huge bonus along with the conference.”
The trip was a first for everyone in the party. For a couple of students, it was their first flight as well. Sophomore Hannah Harman said she was excited for both the plane ride and the fact that she was given the opportunity to learn new yearbook techniques.
“The conference was a lot of fun,” Harman said. “I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was. I learned many different design ideas and new concepts.”
Harman said she also learned different ways to keep the staff organized while working and that they will help everyone to stay on the same page. Sophomore Kayli Potter was very surprised with the happenings at the event.
“I expected everyone sitting together, listening to someone lecture for a while and then going out and messing around for the rest of the day,” Potter said. “It turned out to be nothing like that. There were booths with all kinds of different people and there were so many different options for speakers you could go and listen to. Everyone got to split up and be independent, and I thought that was really cool.”
The yearbook and newspaper staff members said they all learned quite a bit from the conference sessions that targeted different aspects of yearbook, print newspaper, and online sites.
Sophomore Jacie Robinson, the second yearbook staff member in attendance, said the sessions she attended focused mainly on leadership, design, and photography. All gave her tips that she said will be used in the upcoming years.
What stuck out most to her was the session concerning leadership.
“With the leadership sessions we talked about more efficient ways to keep the staff organized and make deadlines easier for everyone,” Robinson said. “I think that if we used some of the suggestions made, completing the book would be much easier and less stressful.”

While all the students said they enjoyed the conference and the sessions, two of the highlights of the trip were said to be the Space Needle and the MoPop, formerly the Museum of Pop Culture.
“My favorite part of the trip was the Pop Culture Museum because ever since I was little I have had an obsession with music and movies,” senior Peyton Augustine said. “Seeing all of the history and memorabilia left me speechless and just in awe. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.”
The students said they all really enjoyed the trip and would do it again if they had the chance.
“I would definitely go again if I was given the chance because I absolutely loved the trip and had the best time,” Augustine said. “It for sure tops my list of high school experiences.”
There were not really any downsides to the trip, the seniors in attendance said they didn’t really mind missing their senior prom. The only problem, Gonzalez said, was the unavoidable time crunch. Potter had a different opinion.
“The only downside I can think of is the homework I had to make up because we missed to days of school,” Potter said. “It wasn’t really that bad.

Jordyn Dake is a senior at Hays High and this is her second year with the Guidon. This year, she will be serving as Online Editor. She is involved with...