Senior Grant Coffman talks continued passion of baseball
Baseball has always been an intricate part of senior Grant Coffman’s life. Ever since he was younger, his dad has been a major motivating factor in his pursuit of sports.
“My dad has really pushed me to be the best that I can be,” Coffman said. “Really, my dad is the one who got me involved in baseball in the first place.”
Being involved with his friends is Coffman’s favorite part of being a member of the baseball team.
“I just really love the way the sport is

played,” Coffman said. “But, just like everyone else, I’m not a fan of losing. Especially when you know you could’ve done something to help your team win.”
Recently, Coffman had the opportunity to play at Kansas State University’s baseball field in Manhattan.
“It was a really cool experience to be able to play there with the team,” Coffman said.
Currently, Coffman said he is indecisive as to whether or not he will be participating in baseball after his high school career has ended.
“I have way too many good memories to choose from with this sport,” Coffman said. “I just really haven’t entirely mapped out what I want to do during my college years, though.”
This year, Coffman said his major goal is to make state and win the state title.
“I’ve won many tournaments throughout my years of playing,” Coffman said. “But winning a state title is something I’d probably be able to consider one of my greatest achievements.”

Anniston Weber is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Guidon and a senior this year. She has been involved with the Guidon for three years. In addition to being...