Guitar club boosts holiday cheer with hallway carols
The guitar club brightened the halls on the morning on Dec. 20 with Christmas carols and other festive holiday music.
Music choices ranged from “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, to “Feliz Navidad”, to “Silent Night”.
Spanish instructor Matt Whitney is responsible for bringing this exciting new option to music students. Whitney has played guitar for 27 years and started the club at the last school he taught at.
Sophomore Elizabeth Lee, sophomore Katie Vaughn, sophomore Paige Zamecnik, freshman Chloe Fitzhugh, and junior Skylar Weilert played along with Whitney in the freshman hallway before first hour.
“This was a lot of fun,” Vaughn said. “This is the first time the club has done something like this, but I think it went really well.”
Onlookers, like sophomore Max Peine, watched and cheered as the group played their festive music.
“I love that they’re doing this,” Peine said. “It’s so important for us to get into the holiday spirit. They’re keeping our spirits up by doing what they love.”
While club has only been around for one semester, the students who are involved claim that it’s a huge success.
“It’s important to spread joy with music,” Lee said.
For those interested, the club meets at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesdays in Room 117C.

Anniston Weber is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Guidon and a senior this year. She has been involved with the Guidon for three years. In addition to being...