“Bye Bye Birdie” Fall Musical scheduled for Nov. 10-13
The 2016 Fall Musical, “Bye Bye Birdie”, is scheduled to be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 10-12 and Nov. 13 at 2:30 p.m.
The price of a ticket is $10, which can be purchased at the box office in the 12th Street Auditorium. The box office is open from 4-7 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday and Friday, and on Saturday Nov. 5 at 1-4 p.m.
The cast has been working on the performance since early September.
“Bye Bye Birdie” tells the story of a rock and roll singer, Conrad Birdie, who is about to be inducted into the army. Albert Peterson, his agent, is a very pleasant mild mannered young man. Albert’s faithful secretary Rose Alvarez keeps him and Birdie moving forward in the world. Rose is hopelessly in love with Albert, unfortunately he refuses to commit to her. In an attempt to get Albert’s mind back on college, Rosie concocts one final national publicity plan before Conrad’s induction. Conrad will bid a typical American teen-age girl goodbye with an all-American kiss. Kim MacAfee in Sweet Apple, Ohio wins the honor. This kiss creates drama with the boy who recently pinned her, Hugo Peabody.

Contact Johnny Matlock at jmatlock@usd489.com or any of the cast members for more information.
Click here to view group pictures of the cast.

Anniston Weber is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Guidon and a senior this year. She has been involved with the Guidon for three years. In addition to being...
Annie Day • Nov 2, 2016 at 11:34 am
I feel like every one in the musical, the cast, the crew, the pit, the tech people, the people that helped build and paint, everyone, deserves a big thank you for all of their hard work and dedication to make this musical the best it can be!
benny titterington • Nov 1, 2016 at 7:15 am
i have to attend i have one of the most important jobs for stage crew im spotlight i havent even learned how to use them yet but i will get it eventually.