Students organize Ag day for fourth graders

Fourth graders got to experience the annual agricultural day that is put together by our fellow students Sept. 8.

Fourteen students helped at Ag day. These students include seniors Alanna Hansen and Lane Pfannenstiel, juniors Kara Gabel, Jared Kisner, Ashlyn Sonntag and Collin Werth , sophomores Maci Fisher, Ashton Klaus,  Zoe Martin and Jessica Straight, and freshmen Ashton Ottley, Kenna Pfannenstiel, Quinton Rupp and Shannon Smith.

“You just get to volunteer,” Hansen said. “I love doing it.”

This year, more people signed up than they could take.

“They put all our names in a container and drew out who went,” Ottley said.

Most of those who volunteered either manned their own station, had someone older and more experience with them, or got to help with different things throughout the day.

Martin worked with two people, a professor and Maci Fisher. The three held a station called “Wow that Cow.” It was about parts of cows that are in things used in everyday life.

Those who were upperclassman such as Hansen and Lane Pfannenstiel did a multitude of things.

“We served pizza, got to blow the air horn to signal station rotation and even got to fish and show kids a huge bass and bluegill,” Hansen said.

However, there were a few who volunteered specifically to do a sunflower presentation. The presentation showed kids how sunflowers are grown and what they’re used for.

“There were five of us total who volunteered to do this,” Kisner said. “This was my third year as presenter.”

Straight also volunteered for this presentation.

“We had a big board that had the parts of the sunflower labeled on it and we had several things that were made from sunflowers,” Straight said.

The event is normally prepared for a week or two in advance but time restraints shortened that window.

“We only had three days or so,” Kisner said.

Ag day is something put together to inform kids about agriculture. It is supposed to get them to want to be involved in it.

“Some kids don’t really know much about the ag industry, so it’s really fun to be teaching them about things like this,” Straight said.