StuCo’s new rules to benefit entire group and future groups
When students entered the cafeteria last week to vote with StuCo on which theme would become our homecoming, they were taken by surprise when met with a contract.
The contract was for being a part of StuCo and had several requirements you had to meet in order to become and maintain your spot as a student council member. Old members were confused as there had never been a contract before.
These “new” rules found in the contract were in fact included in StuCo’s constitution many years ago, but had been taken out of use at some point in the more recent years.
“We merely decided to reinstate and adapt them,” student body president senior Keegan Chapman said. “The contracts of this year are mandatory for membership status and voting rights, but are not necessary to participate in meetings or events.
This system helps the sponsors and executives run the council much more fluidly, especially with this year presenting the highest meeting attendance rates seen. The contracts are our tool to predict attendance and plan committees.
Those who have submitted contracts are eligible for perks such as class and executive offices, prizes, and committee chair positions. This system will continue to be adapted as the year goes on so as to produce the best council possible.”
Chapman explained that StuCo’s “new” rules were mutually agreed upon by the sponsors and executives as a necessary change to give the organization structure, potential for growth, and increased efficiency.
“Previous years lacked consistent attendance and participation,” Chapman said. “Because of this, many StuCo events were almost exclusively planned and run by the executives. This is not the purpose of StuCo or its executives. StuCo is designed to be an opportunity for the average student to become involved in the school and community.”
The contract and rules should help weed out those who do not wish to help, but join simply for the name on a résumé.
“These rules are intended to build a solid foundation of students, structure, plans, and objectives that will be used to improve the program not just for this year, but also for many years to come. This year as a whole is directed as a precedent for each following council to meet and exceed.”

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...