Author Andria Williams gives presentation in Hays
Andria Williams, author of “The Longest Night,” visited the Hays Public Library on Tuesday to read excerpts from her book, take questions and sign copies.
“From what she read, it seems like a really interesting book,” senior Taylor DeBoer said. “I could tell that she’s really talented.”
William’s debut novel centers around a family that moves to Idaho Falls in 1959 where Paul is stationed to oversee one of the nation’s first nuclear reactors. Based on a true event, this historical fiction has caught national attention, sparking reviews from major sites and publications. Entertainment Weekly called it “stunning.”
“This one stands apart. Williams expertly brings her beautifully written story to a tense conclusion you’ll still be thinking of long after you turn the last page.”
–Sara Vilkomerson, Entertainment Weekly
“I’ve read a ridiculous amount of books,” DeBoer said. “It was kind of interesting to learn the process authors go through to write and publish their books.”
In addition to explaining how she came to write her novel, Williams described how attached authors can get to their characters.
“It was cool to see how her and her family became so engaged in the novel,” senior Briana Aldrich said. “She got really into the culture of the time period she was writing about and it kind of became a part of her life.”
Some of the students who attended the presentation truly enjoyed the experience.
“It was a really cool presentation,” Aldrich said. “She was really funny, which made it even more awesome.”

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...