Kid President gives presentation
YouTube sensation Kid President gave a presentation at Beach Schmidt auditorium on Feb. 4. 12-year-old Robby Novak, along with his older brother-in-law spoke about their story, inspiring several audience members.
One thing Kid President is all about is “giving the world a reason to dance.”
“That really stuck with me because it’s worded in a way I never thought of before and it makes me want to actually do something,” senior Grace Walker said. “It makes me want to actually try and change the world.
Brad Novak, Robby’s brother explained that they had chosen to come to Fort Hays out of all their requests because they liked what our community was doing. The two come from a small town in Tennessee, but after their YouTube success, they have had the chance to travel and meet important people.
“I liked the story of when they were at the White House and Robby asked President Obama why there was slavery,” Walker said. “Obama told him that he was glad that Robby lives in a time where slavery doesn’t make any sense, that owning another person doesn’t make sense. As soon as that was said I was like ‘woah’ and had to just sit there in my chair and register what just happened.”
In addition to meeting Obama, Robby has had the chance to not only meet, but kiss Beyonce.
“He was really excited to talk about how he kissed Beyonce,” freshman Charles Mathias said. “It was pretty funny how he used dinosaur chicken nuggets to get that opportunity.”
The event featured a rap battle where random audience members were invited up to the stage to rap about nice things about the section they were sitting in.
“My favorite part of the presentation was when they had people come up for a rap battle,” senior Elizabeth Arthur said. “It was cool to see the interaction and the love for one another.”
From rap battles to dinosaur chicken nuggets, Kid President proved to be an inspiration to students who attended.
“It was about happiness and how people deserve it and it was about how to dance freely and involving everybody,” Walker said. “I learned how easy it is to treat everyone around you as your neighbor and how much of a difference one thing can make. It really opened my eyes.”

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...