Debate competes at state tournament
Five debate students traveled to Independence, Kan. last weekend to compete at state debate. Three were returners and for the other two, it was a completely new experience.
Debate sponsor Zach Butte said the group met a goal when they made it through the preliminary rounds into the elimination rounds.
“We didn’t leave state with hardware, but we made it into the elimination rounds which was great,” Butte said. “It was definitely a successful tournament.”
Sophomore Madison Karlin was one of the first-timers at state who came as an alternate because of the odd number of people.
“Being my first state tournament, it was really different from any of the regularly scheduled tournaments I competed at throughout the season,” Karlin said. “I was really glad to qualify even though I was an alternate due to being the youngest and having an odd number.”
She never got the chance to compete, but she was able to shadow some of the others.
“I feel like I learned a lot by watching the older team members debate with such tough competition,” Karlin said. “I think that watching the rounds at state will definitely help me during the regular season next year because, even though the topic will be different, I was able to see some arguments and strategies run that I hadn’t before which can just help me be more prepared going into any round.”

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...