Wiccans cast a spell on Hays High

Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It is duotheistic, which means the worshipping of more than one god and goddess who are called The Divines, although some Wiccans identify as monotheistic. Some students at our school follow these beliefs.
“I got introduced into this by getting into metaphysical and crystals,” sophomore Sawyer Moore said, “I was looking up healing properties for certain crystals and it sort of took off from there.”
There is a strong belief in karma, afterlife and antiviolence. Wiccans believe that everyone is responsible for their actions and no matter how mundane the action is, one must be willing to accept the consequences.
“Personal responsibility is key,” sophomore Michael Hernandez said.
Wiccans often gets mistaken with Pagans, which is an identical practice, but not necessarily the same.
“There are many witches who don’t identify as Wiccan,” Hernandez said.
In this religion, nature is a top priority and is to be respected as well as ancestors. Wiccans must respect the beliefs of others. Some Wiccans may believe in other gods than other Wiccans. Still, every living thing and its belief is to be respected.
“We are all sacred beings,” Moore said. “Interaction with the gods is not limited to priesthood.”
Wicca is a distinct worldview with an identifiable set of beliefs and is practiced by many. Witchcraft and Wiccan are not synonymous, but they are still similar and can go hand-in-hand.
“There’s this saying that I really like and its ‘If you harm none, do what you will’,” Moore said. “I think that really captures the essence of Wiccan beliefs.”

This is Amiyah Gonzalez. She is a senior and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. She is involved in orchestra, leadership team, musical, spring...