Former student performs songs for student body
Former student, Max Walker, and his friend, fellow Nashville singer/songwriter, Alex Renbarger made a stop at Hays High as a part of their No Rest Midwest Tour on April 30 and May 1.
“It’s pretty fun, not going to lie,” Walker said. “It was fun to be back.”
On the first day, the artists performed in front of music students. The next day, they invited all those who wanted to attend to come to the gym during seminar to see them perform. The turnout they received was not what they were expecting.
“We got a much better outcome than we could have ever expected,” Walker said. “It can be kind of surreal when you think about all these people you don’t even know, or haven’t seen in a while, giving you all their support. I’m just happy to have the people in my life to give me these opportunities in the first place.”
As new artists, the two are seeking for connections, by touring, and auditioning for talent competitions. Renbarger recently appeared on the latest season of American Idol. They feel this tour is helping them to make the connections they need.
“Playing for these people and making connections,” Walker said. “It’s what we do this for.”
New connections aren’t all the musicians are enjoying about the tour, though. Walker expressed his love for all the new experiences he’s having.
“I love it all: traveling to new cities, the support of local fans making the effort to come out each night and just gaining the experience needed to get to the next level,” Walker said. “It’s what I love doing. I’m really just taking it all in, but if I had to pick one I’d probably have to say, having new experiences. It’s going to be fun getting to these new places I’ve never been to.”

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...