DECA project teaches students basics of finance
Over the course of the past week, DECA has been putting on several events for financial literacy week.
Juniors Brooke Forinash, Albany Schaffer and Tessa Stickel chose to do a financial literacy week as their DECA project. Forinash said they wanted to encourage involvement among their classmates and with the whole school.
“We thought it would be fun to have a week where we had interactive activities every day for a week to teach people basics about finances,” Forinash said.
Monday’s theme was Parts of a Paycheck where they set out an example of a paycheck on all of the lunch tables. Tuesday was Facts Day where facts and multiple choice questions were set on the lunch tables.
Wednesday was Budget Day where a link was sent out to students that lead to a game to test how well you would do in the real world with unexpected expenses.
Thursday was Trivia Day where a Financial Literacy Jeopardy game was set up throughout lunch. People who answered correctly received prizes.
Friday was the last day of financial literacy week. A survey was sent out to test how much students learned over the week.
Forinash feels the week is helping students to learn about finances.
“We are teaching basic advice so that people have some background knowledge about how to manage their finances,” Forinash said.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...