Senator visits to talk current issues with students
Sen. Jerry Moran came and visited current issues and American government classes at our school on Sept. 25.
Moran addressed students at 9 a.m. in the lecture hall, beginning with a brief introduction where he spoke about his life, his family and how he came to be a senator.
Moran grew up in Plainville and lived in Hays with his wife for nearly 30 years and now lives in Manhattan where he only spends one to two days of his week. The rest of his week is spent in Washington D.C.
After he talked about his life, he allowed students to ask questions about him, the government and current world issues.
“I thought that it was a cool thing to do for our classes, and it was a great learning experience,” junior Caleb Pfeifer said. “It was interesting to get an opinion on current events from a member of congress, someone who is involved with the federal government and making decisions for our country and state.”
Moran was asked questions about how he would go about government issues such as ISIS, but he was mainly questioned for details about his job and what he does.
One question was on whether or not he was in on any government secrets. He told the students how he gets briefings, but the information in those briefings are not anything more than you would read in a newspaper. Moran said that there is a committee that consists of about 24 congress members that get to know about deeper government secrets, this way leaks to the press are less likely.
“I think the most interesting part of the event was Jerry Moran discussing his take on things and what he voted for in some cases with the Senate,” sophomore Ana Goodlett said. “I thought it was a huge honor that we had a Kansas senator come to our school.”

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...