Students hold before school bible study


A bible study has been created at our school and will take place Monday mornings at 7:30 a.m. Sophomore Rachelle Lumpkins started this group and encourages students to join.

“I was able to get the school to allow a bible study because it’s in the guidelines allow for the right to discuss religious beliefs, shared religious materials, with their peers between classes, at break, at lunch, and before and after school,” Lumpkins said.

The group starts off by saying a prayer. Next, they read and discuss a verse from different versions of the bible.

Lumpkins said that she was inspired to start this group last year when her youth leader encouraged her to make a difference.

“I was determined to create a bible study because I felt that God wanted me to,” Lumpkins said. “I was encouraged by others to give it a try, and I feel God is calling me to do this.”

Lumpkins said she believes this group should be allowed to be held at our school despite what questions of separation of church and state arise.

“What we hope to accomplish is the bring God back into our schools,” Lumpkins said. “The bible study should be allowed.”

Senior Trey Lumpkins said that this group helps him to excel.

“We should all be able to study about Christ,” Trey Lumpkins said. “It’s how we succeed day to day.”