Musical cast list posted

After a long week of auditions, the musical cast list for “Joseph” is here. Senior Max Befort is to play the title role of Joseph. The female leads will be played by senior Shelbie Berens, senior Emily McPherson and sophomore Madison Crees. Joseph’s 11 brothers will be played by senior Jacob Balzer (Judah), junior Jared Thom (Issachar and Pharaoh), sophomore Hayden Sillmon (Benjamin), junior Brandon Davidson (Dan and Baker), freshman Dawson Rooney (Naphtali), junior Mikey Ploutz (Gad), senior Andrew McGinnis (Simeon), junior Aaron Jeffus (Levi), senior Conrad Hoffman (Zebulon and Potiphar), senior Alex Crowley (Asher) and senior Quinlan Brungardt (Rueben).
“I’m feeling excitement about musical mostly,” Hoffman said. “I think that the musical will be really fun, the music sounds absolutely awesome”
In order with the boys listed above are wives sophomore Anniston Weber, senior Ashley Cossaart, freshman Sarah Wyse, senior Sarah Rooney, junior Taylor Leiker, freshman Shelby Knoll, junior Kinsey Ackerman, senior Sydney Vahling, senior Amanda Dinkel, sophomore Kristen Nease and junior Rachel Nansel. Freshman Eric Adams will be staring as Jacob, father of the brothers.
“I am looking forward to putting on a great show and making another year of great memories.” McPherson said.
The four year seniors of musical will have started in Egypt with Aida and end in Egypt with Joseph.
“It’s been a great run.” Befort said.

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...