Overachieving leads to success
Sometimes maintaining a B in a class is hard enough as is, but some students cannot stand being below average, or hardly even average. Those students tend to overachieve to get their grades looking like they want them to.
“When someone is recognized as an overachiever, it’s because they turn in all of their papers in early, ask many questions to teachers and constantly tell people what they are doing with an assignment,” sophomore Taylor DeBoer said.
Some students, such as DeBoer, believe that overachieving is when one becomes overly obsessive of their schoolwork and grades that even an A- can freak them out.
Others believe that overachieving is simply being more accomplished.
“Overachievement is having more success than one would expect,” Counselor Suellyn Stenger said.
Sometimes this rings very true and overachieving can be very beneficial to one’s success.
“In regards to overachieving academically, I have known students who have achieved much success through their tremendous work ethic and great time management skills,” Stenger said.
While being known as a smart kid can be gratifying and nice, it can also be a curse. Being overly successful and smart in schoolwork can be socially destructive while in high school.
“If you overachieve you won’t have as much free time as normal and all of your friends might think you are ditching them,” junior Abby Schubert said.
Along with this, there are several other cons to being an overachiever.
“You get teased for trying too hard and caring about your grades,” DeBoer said. “If there are partner assignments then people will choose you and make you do all of the work so they can get a good grade without doing anything.”
Despite the social disadvantages of overachieving, going above and beyond is something that is highly recommended.
“It’s refreshing to work with students who don’t quit just because something is difficult,” Stenger said.
According to Stenger, studies have shown that it’s the rigor one puts into their coursework that has the largest impact on one’s ACT scores and also their college readiness.
An ACT score is much more than just a number. This score can help a student receive scholarships and loans as well as help with course placement.
“When your assignments are turned in you have more free time to do whatever you want,” DeBoer said. “Also, overachieving gives you brownie points with teachers because you never have late work.”
It could be said that the standardized tests taken in high school will determine the rest of one’s path and all the hard work can really pay off.
“Much can be learned by persevering through difficult situations as well as challenging classes,” Stenger said.

Brianna Mathias is a senior and this is her third year of being on the Guidon staff. She is a co-editor-in-chief and loves newspaper. She likes bees, folk-punk,...