Students have noticed that a change in the schedule from the 2011-2012 school year to the 2012-2013 school year. A seven-class schedule has been proposed, one less than that of the eight-class schedule of this year, this seven classes total shows a likeness to the 2011-2012 school year.
“I am not so much concerned with the number of classes as much as the possibility of a seven-class-per-day schedule. Other than that I really don’t care too much,” junior Jill Pokorny said.
As far as for the daily class schedule for next year, counselor Sherri Matlock is aware of the proposals.
“The schedule committee has recommended that we return to last year’s schedule except that teachers will have a plan every other day,” counselor Sherri Matlock said. “I believe the next step is for the board to approve this.”
Whether students are excited for the change, or upset at the lack of space they have in their schedule to take more classes and electives, it may be inevitable.
“I am extremely happy. Having eight classes this year felt like a homework over-load since we had an extra class to deal with,” sophomore Rebecca Stegman said. “I think going back to seven classes will help reduce the stress levels for the students since they have less to deal with even though it is just one class.”
Students need to turn in their Powerschool online class enrollment printed off with a parent signature by seminar on March 13, or they will have no-passing in seminar until it is turned in. Counselors recommend using Firefox to enroll online.