Boys golf competes in Liberal, Garden City; final WAC standings released
Junior Ashton Hernandez hits his nine iron on the 10th hole at the Smoky Hill Invitational tournament in Hays.
In the last week, the Hays High School golf team has attended two meets, the first being the Garden City Invitational Tournament on May 8. They played at both Buffalo Dunes Golf Course (BD), par 72, and South Wind Country Club (SW), par 73. They played 36 holes with a total par of 141.
Senior Jason Krannawitter scored an 82 at both SW and BD for a total score of 164 to take 14th place, sophomore Braden Hoskins shot an 87 at BD and an 80 at SW for a total of 167 for 19th place, senior Weston Hoskins scored an 86 at BD but was disqualified at SW, his first score will count for the team total. The next best score for SW, after the top four golfers, was a 103 by sophomore Blake Buckles. After Hoskins, sophomore Ashton Bickle scored a 94 at BD and a 105 at SW for 32nd with a score of 199.
The teams total score was a 719 for sixth place.
On May 11, the Hays boys golf team played at the Liberal Invitational Tournament at Willow Tree Golf Course, where par is 72 for 18 holes.
Krannawitter placed sixth with a 76, Braden Hoskins took 12th with a 79, Weston Hoskins scored an 80 for 13th and sophomore Landen Clark placed 19th with a 94.
The team placed third with a score of 327.
After the Liberal tournament, the final Western Athletic Conference standing were released. Krannawitter made the All-WAC First Team, and sophomore Braden Hoskins was an honorable mention for the All-WAC Team. The Hays golf team placed third in team standings.
The state tournament will be on May 24 and 25 in Newton.