Who is to blame for Astroworld tragedy?
Over the past few weeks, social media and news stations have had plenty of headlines with the disaster in Houston, Texas, on Nov. 5 at rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival.
At the two-day event with more than 50,000 people in attendance, mob mentality took over, and hundreds of people were injured from the crowding and stampeding, with 10 confirmed people losing their lives due to the tragic events that day.
Scott was aware of trouble during the concert, but had said he figured it was mild and let the concert continue, in fact urging the crowd to “make the ground shake.” Scott finished the concert normally, unaware of what had really happened.
News immediately broke after the concert everywhere on social media after countless videos and reports came out talking about the event’s injuries. The news spread quickly, and the death count continued to rise over the next couple of days.
Scott stayed off social media for a couple of days, but his girlfriend Kylie Jenner put out an apology letter on social media soon following the concert. Scott also released an apology video a few days after his catastrophe in Houston.
What confuses me and millions of others is, why was there not more action taken when Scott himself noticed something troubling in the crowd in the concert? Scott’s concerts are known for being loud and chaotic, yet it seems Scott was surprised that things got out of hand in a festival with 50,000 people ready to party.
Scott and Jenner’s apologies were also very subpar, too, considering the extremity of the event, many believing Jenner had someone else write hers to save her public image. Scott’s video has been turned into a large meme on the internet, as it seemed insincere and funny to many.
While it wasn’t necessarily Scott’s fault that the people died, almost everyone in America agrees that they could’ve prevented the losses by either stopping the concert sooner or taking better precautions before the concert had begun.

Hi, my name is Eric Lucio, and I am a senior. I am the design editor for the newsmagazine, so I make the covers on our newsmagazine. This is my third year...