‘Okay, Boomer’ is not comparable to other derogatory terms
It has been debated whether the phrase ‘okay boomer’ should be used.
The generation gap differences between “Boomers” and “Millennials” is completely normal and has occurred with past generations as well.
Recently, adults have expressed their anger about how high schoolers use the phrase, “Okay, Boomer” as a joke between friends when speaking about someone with a closed-minded mindset, due to the stereotypical idea that a lot of those characteristics, such as being racist, homophobic or really against anything that has just been normalized in the recent decade, are seen in the Baby Boomer generation.
What is worse, those online who have attempted to defend the fact that they are against the use of the phrase have tried to say that the phrase is equivalent to the N-word. This attempt of comparison disgusts me.
What those who are upset by these jokes fail to realize is that the phrase is not only towards Baby Boomers, but any older person who seems to have the toxic traits of a person who is not understanding of the societal norms or values of those younger than them.
Generational gaps have always happened. Differences in the generations have always existed, and throughout history, we have seen the newer generations rebel and disagree with the older ones.
Baby Boomers themselves experienced a generational gap between themselves and their parents, most being the Silent Generation. The sociological theory of a generation gap first came to light in the 1960s, when Baby Boomers seemed to go against everything their parents had previously believed in terms of music, values, political views and cultural tastes.
The generational gap then does not seem that much different between those who are a Millennial or in Generation Z and the Baby Boomers now. Knowing this, you would think that those in the Baby Boomer generation would try to understand those younger than them.
However, Millennials and those who were raised with the new technologies and more diverse surroundings and mindsets need to understand that older generations were raised to believe what they believe now, just as we believe what we believe. Though sometimes it can be frustrating to know that someone has an opinion that you disagree strongly with, you have to give them the respect that you would want for yourself.
What I wish both the older and younger generations understood more is that it is not that hard to believe what you believe and not force your beliefs on others or to just mind your own business. However, I believe the :”Okay, Boomer” phrase has been taken too seriously by adults, and they should try to understand the reasons for using it in the first place before assuming that it is meant to be derogatory.

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...
Mike • Mar 9, 2020 at 9:15 pm
I’m a boomer. The phrase doesn’t bother me. To my fellow boomers whom it does bother, that’s just their insecurity showing through.