Spring break is a well deserved break for students
Throughout the year, we have multiple breaks including breaks for Thanksgiving, winter and summer.
One other break that we have coming up is spring break.
This year, spring break will begin on March 18 and end on March 26.
Spring break is placed very well.
Spring break can be used as a little chill out before the year comes to a close, or you can use it for your studies. Seniors can use this time to look in depth at their options for what they are going to do after their high school careers comes to a close. The possibilities are honestly endless.
For me, this break is a perfect refresher. Towards the end of the school year I tend to stop caring, but this little pause gets me bake on track. I am able to clear my head, get my priorities straightened up, and all in all finish the rest of the year strong.
Without spring break, I definitely think that I would become a lot more stressed than I would be with the break.
Also during spring break, those with siblings, family members and friends can come back and visit or you can make a trip to see them.
I really enjoy getting the pause between the two halves of the second semester. Getting to calm down and forget about school responsibilities for even just the week is amazing.

Kayli Potter is a junior who is going into her second year of journalism. Outside of newspaper she enjoys spending time hanging with friends, playing with...