Agree to disagree
From the time we start pre-school to the time we graduate, we are taught about bullying. We’re told how to detect it, how to prevent it, and what to do when it happens. We’re told it’s what you see when a kid pushes another one down on the playground. We’re told it’s what happens when kids get shoved into lockers on their first day of middle school. We’re told it’s what you read about others on the internet in high school. We’re taught to be tolerant, and respectful of others.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines tolerance as a willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.
Hays High does an outstanding job of being tolerant, in most cases. Almost every clique has a member who falls in-between with another clique, thus resulting the whole student body getting along in most cases. I’d say at least, until the internet comes into play.
According to DoSomething.Org, about 58 percent of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than 4 out 10 say it has happened more than once.
As of late, this has been a problem I’ve personally been exposed to while working on the Guidon. It seems daily we have a comment aimed towards one of our staff members that is meant to be harmful. It happens the most on our opinions page. This is where being tolerant normally comes into play, and I wish it did, but instead the comments page is being bombarded by students making a joke of us. Or, they’re turning it into something you’d see on a Comedy Central roast.
As well, about 75 percent of students admit they have visited a website bashing another student, and I’d believe it. On the Guidon, we delete the comments we find offensive or obscene. It hurts to be made fun of for practicing the right of voicing our opinions. It hurts even when one person is slamming us, let alone seven of their friends.
We want to keep our comment section open. We want the student body to be involved, but we can’t let it turn into a website where kids go to bash on each other. It’s not right, or fair.
As journalists, we respect a person’s right to voice an opinion, even if it’s different from our own. What is unacceptable is when a person resorts to name-calling or makes comments that are meant to belittle.
Right now, I am asking whoever is reading this to think about if you’ve ever done something to purposely hurt someone. I’m asking you to reevaluate if that comment was worth it. I’m asking you to please be tolerant of your peers, because no one knows what it takes to push someone over the edge.
We’re all unique. Let’s accept that, for our own sake.

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...
Lincoln Ector • Sep 16, 2015 at 8:05 am
Maybe everyone should try to stop being offended by literally everything. We’re in highschool grow up (luke and some others)
“2015, the year America was offended by everything”
sometimes you should just the old who cares method when you come across something that you find unsatisfactory.
Ross Hattan • Sep 17, 2015 at 8:12 pm
Sorry I’m late to the party, but guys we need to stop the madness!! We are all human let’s love each other for who we are.
Alanna Hansen • Sep 14, 2015 at 9:18 am
The problem with our generation is that we are taught that everyone is out to get us. Instead of getting butt hurt about everything why don’t you just be a man, hike up your skirt and get over it. A lot of people don’t agree with my opinion but that doesn’t mean I’m going to accuse someone of bullying me. I understand the deleting of comments to an extent but at the same time this IS an opinion page and its stated over and over again the purpose of this page. So if someone has a comment that’s a little on the hasty side so what? That’s their opinion not yours. High school can be brutal, I will admit that but you can’t baby kids and coddle them. What happens when they are exposed to the real world? Reality is gonna smack them in the face.
Laura Montgomery • Sep 16, 2015 at 12:58 pm
They aren’t accusing them because they disagree with their opinions. There has been bullying. None of us see it because it has to go through the staff first for moderation. They are just saying that we should keep things civil. If it’s attacking someone, it will be brought to administration.
Luke (Savage) Nansel • Sep 12, 2015 at 1:34 pm
Here is a thought Anniston I don’t care about being ridiculed and it is probably not that hard of work you just want something else to complain about! And I don’t know why I would want to join you staff with all of your close minded opinions that I don’t agree with. It seems kind of dumb you would want me to join you staff cause I know you don’t like me and I really don’t care if you like me or not! And I know for a fact that this article was written because of me and my opinion! So you can have a good day or a bad day doesn’t matter to me!
Laura Montgomery • Sep 14, 2015 at 8:11 am
It wasn’t written about you. I know for a fact. I saw the comments that they are specifically talking about. The people that this article was inspired by were attacking staff members in very personally, insulting ways. Calling them terrible names on the website. It isn’t about you. This isn’t to offend you all.
Dylan Davis • Sep 10, 2015 at 12:21 pm
We as Americans have rights and if we wish to condescend or belittle some one else’s opinion we should able to, without it being deleted because you’re offended by it, sometimes the truth hurts 🙂
Trenton Potter • Sep 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm
While I do agree that the comments don’t have to agree with the opinion, I think that it is the right to take down any comment as part of the websites freedom of press. I also believe it is productive to take down comments that specifically violate some of the laws set forth by State and National Government. The only comments that are taken down are ones that are in violation of school rules, state laws, and/or federal laws. There have been commens that specifically violate these laws especially.
Fengxue (Sylina) Zhang • Sep 8, 2015 at 11:04 pm
It seems that our newspaper is known for being too negative and too controversial. I would like to address that.
Yes, I agree, we do report on some stories that may not be the most “comfortable” to face, but we’re just reporting very real issues that are affecting very real people in our community. One thing I can assure you: MOST of our news stories are pretty positive and straightforward. Here are the ten most recent articles on the online:
1) Seasonal art walk contributes to community
2) Students show positive feelings towards Canvas
3) Gasper celebrates 12 years of teaching
4) Students show support, opposition for transgender star
5) Students adjust to new school year
6) Berenstain Bears theories boggle students
7) Students claim extraterrestrials exist
8) Upperclassmen share organization tips
9) The Guidon launches online literary magazine
10) Burns takes counseling position
Opinions are a whole other issue. Reminder to all students that opinions are NOT news. We do not write these articles claiming they are facts. A few members of our staff feel strongly about gender equality, and therefore, wrote a total of AT MOST 3 opinion articles stating their personal beliefs on the matter. If students do not agree or enjoy reading these articles, I would like to direct them in the direction of our other recent opinion articles.
1)Don’t shame people who choose abstinence
2)Mental disorders are not adjectives
3)America needs to say no
4) Valentine’s Day: Not just for couples
5)Web Filters and Administration Access Too Restrictive?
6)Students should show more empathy
7)Teaching with humor goes a long way
8)Unnecessary class punishment
We work hard to provide quality reporting on a wide range of subjects, and we ask the student body to please respect our work and the opinions we choose to express. We value your opinions as well, so if you would like, send us a letter to the editor, and if written properly, I will try to include it into our print edition paper.
We all have different opinions and beliefs, but let’s try to view everything with a grain of salt and treat one another with a little more tolerance.
Anniston Weber • Sep 8, 2015 at 4:51 pm
Hey!! Guess what guys!!!
If you don’t like our opinions or articles, then maybe consider joining the newspaper staff!
Obviously you want your own opinions to be heard, so yknow, instead of being rude you could maybe write your own to get your opinion out!!!!!
You don’t want to deal with all the hard work and possible ridicule?
Just a thought though.
Brianna Mathias • Sep 8, 2015 at 3:21 pm
It is absolutely ridiculous to say that all we write about is sexism. First of all, over the past year (this school year and last school year), on the online we have posted a total of two opinion articles that have to do with it. There is a wide variety of opinion articles, but the only ones people seem to pay attention to are the ones I have written about two very different topics pertaining to sexism. Everyone was complaining about how I was hating on men (which I wasn’t) so I wrote about sexism against men, and still got bashed for it. I’d also like to mention that we have to write several feature and news stories every week, edit stories, take pictures, make infographics, make illustrations, and lay out a 12 page paper. Our jobs are not easy and when we have to deal with hurtful comments, our job becomes even harder. Hurtful comments are not the ones where people disagree and voice their own opinion, they are the ones where people make fun of us and what we do. Many of you may not understand the amount of hateful comments we receive, some of them have been personal, making fun of specific reporters for their appearance, which is obviously just completely uncalled for. Nobody deserves this for voicing their opinion. It doesn’t matter if they voice a similar opinion twice, nobody deserves to be treated like a joke because they have strong feelings and are brave enough to say what they feel.
Adam O'Connor • Sep 8, 2015 at 1:51 pm
I totally agree Madison. I feel that the comment section is terrible and shouldn’t be allowed to voice their opinion, especially if it doesn’t agree with the ever so great Guidon. Keep posting all of your non-biased opinions! The more articles about feminism, and the lack of rights towards women needs to increase. We need to live in a world where white women rule! GO AMERICA!!!
Alex Feyerherm • Sep 9, 2015 at 8:42 am
Opinions are inherently biased, that’s why they’re called “opinions.”
The article does not demand that you agree with anything, it’s asking for those who disagree to keep things civil – I don’t think that’s too much to ask, do you?
Seems like you have quite the ax to grind.
Luke Nansel • Sep 8, 2015 at 1:01 pm
Yes opinions are opinions but when you hear the same opinion over and over again it gets a little boring. Just saying. The bias of the newspaper is unreal. Let talk about sexism 100% of the time, that will make the student body happy and not want to bash the newspaper. Maybe somebody on the newspaper staff can say hey lets do a story the student body wants to hear instead of posting the same articles every week and then complaining about the student body getting tired and then bashing the newspaper. But that’s just an idea from someone in the student body. Do with it what you want, but I don’t want to hear you complain about people bashing your stories when you have the same stories almost every week with an immense amount of bias.
Anniston Weber • Sep 8, 2015 at 11:17 am
We all work very hard on the newspaper team, and so going as far as to bash our entire staff is horrible. Singling someone out is even worse. Opinions are opinions – so they obviously are only going to visit the authors perspective. Our staff has never written anything calling anyone out personally.
Suggesting that we censor ourselves to prevent bullying from occurring is ludicrous. If you don’t like our opinions feel free not to visit our opinions section. While it’s nice to have comments on our stories, we won’t tolerate our staff getting bullied. We are not forcing our beliefs on you. We are not forcing you to click on our articles.
Like Madison said, we are all unique. We need to accept it.
Dylan Davis • Sep 8, 2015 at 7:42 am
I’m really tired of people bashing on the Guidon.
Anonymous 2 • Sep 7, 2015 at 10:29 pm
Why not try doing more articles on positive subjects, rather than stories that are basically BEGGING for someone to start an argument with someone else in the comment section. More than half of the stories I’ve seen on here have some sort of negative connotation tainting the article. Sure, it’s okay if you do a story on a “serious” subject from time to time, but the stories on drugs, sex, bullying, rape, sexism, racism, etc., ENORMOUSLY outnumber the positive stories. Of course, the world, as well as our school, are nothing comparable to a problem-free, perfect society where everyone accepts everyone else’s opinions, but there must be a balance. I’m sure you all remember the Meninist article, and the backlash it received, as well as the show put on by the famous Adam O’Connor. It seems only common sense to refrain from writing articles like these, because in a school full of hundreds of totally insane teenagers, there is a 0% chance that everyone is going to think, “You know what? I completely, totally, and absolutely agree!”. All I’m saying is maybe you guys should try focusing on the positive side of the world! No one is going to bash on something that isn’t suggesting that their way of thinking is not the right way.
Alex Feyerherm • Sep 9, 2015 at 9:09 am
It’s a fact of life that people are going to disagree on certain things – that’s not high school specific. Sweeping hot-button issues under the rug simply because they are hot-button issues doesn’t solve anything – it just shelters people. I’d prefer to start a healthy discussion on important topics, rather than bury my head in the sand for fear of potential disagreement.
Anonymous • Sep 6, 2015 at 10:52 am
Yes I do agree that people may go to far in the comments but you also have to look and see that almost every opinion article you have put out since the end of last year has been against men. Saying we do not accept feminism and talking about how feminists need to take a stand to men is just asking for arguments to be started in the comments. Yes people ague about these because they are opinions but maybe you could try to post both sides of the opinion.
Madison Crees • Sep 7, 2015 at 3:55 pm
It’s only supposed to be the opinion of who is posting. It isn’t to just highlight on a subject others are talking about. Ot’s to be something that we want to write from our own mind.