Looking back 10, 20, 50 years ago
The Guidon staff has decided to include a monthly feature in which it will look through past editions of the newspaper to see the new events that were being reported ten, 20 and 50 years ago during each particular month.
Ten Years Ago
March 2008
- Former principal Mike Hester considers implementing year-round school.
- Chamber Singers are chosen to sing at the Kansas Music Education Association for the first time since 1975.
- Ten student journalists qualify for state competition.
- Student are forced to reconsider college choices due to rising tuition prices.
20 Years Ago
March 1998
- Law makers implement the requirement for 50 hours of supervised driving before earning your restricted license.
- Instructor Cathy Kuhn gives students plastic babies to experience the life of a parent for two days and two nights.
- The spring play is a comedy called Greater Tuna.
- Band holds their 12th annual Popcorn Concert with around 200 to 300 in attendance.
- The school starts to focus on ending vandalism in the building and parking lots.
50 Years Ago
March 1968
- Speech students win 13 honors in Area Meets.
- Board votes to buy an 80-acre plot of land in anticipation for the building of new high school.
- Two juniors become National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) nominees for achievement awards.
- Pant-dress becomes one of the top fashions at school for both men and woman.
- A total of 23 student teachers roam the halls of the school.
- In Hays High election, Senator Bobby Kennedy is set to win over senator Richard Nixon.
About the Writer
Hanna Dannar, Staff Reporter
Hanna Dannar is a sophomore, and this is her first year in Newspaper. During the school year, she is also involved with vocal, Musical, and Girls Swimming....