FFA organizations across the nation celebrate National FFA Week in February. The week was chosen in coordination with George Washington’s birthday to acknowledge contributions to agriculture and leadership. This year, FFA Week was celebrated from Feb. 15 to Feb. 22.
At Hays High School, the FFA chapter started the week with a labor auction on Sunday, Feb. 16, where community members bid on FFA members to help them with basic labor and FFA uses the proceeds for scholarships.
On Monday, Feb. 17, some FFA members competed in a speech contest, where the team placed first overall. Individually, junior Ella Neher and sophomore Jayleigh Weilert both finished first, junior Keeli Kimzey was second, senior Marisa Wasinger and freshman Ester Neher both were fourth and junior Lizzy Vajnar placed sixth.
On Friday, Feb. 21, members traveled to McCarty Dairy to get a tour of the dairy’s facilities, with the trip being sponsored by Farm Bureau.
Finally, on Monday, Feb. 24, FFA members made breakfast for faculty and staff, with this being pushed back from Thursday, Feb. 20 to Feb. 24 due to the two-hour delay that the school had because of cold temperatures. Along with their breakfast, that day, some FFA members gave presentations about agriculture to the grade schools.
“My favorite part about FFA Week is the breakfast because we get to give back to our teachers and support them by cooking breakfast,” Kimzey said.