The musical “Hadestown” is a retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The story follows aspiring musician Orpheus as he must bring his love Eurydice back from the underworld where she had been lured.
The cast list for Hays High School’s Spring Musical production of “Hadestown” was released on Friday, Jan. 10. Auditions were held on Wednesday, Jan. 8, and dance calls and callbacks were held on Thursday, Jan. 9. The cast list is as follows:
Hermes – senior Caleb King
Persephone – junior Johanna Jones
Hades – junior Bryson Weber
Orpheus – senior Oscar Flores
Eurydice – senior Jordan Aschenbrenner
Fate 1 – junior Erin Ruder
Fate 2 – freshman EJ Fenwick
Fate 3 – senior Addy Brull
Ensemble – senior Elizabeth Noble, juniors Bryler Russell, Loren Tervort and Rose Windholz and sophomore Harley Foarde
Singing Ensemble – juniors Connor Werth and Olivia Werth and sophomores Daniel Adkins and Kamden McBride
Cover Cast:
Hermes – freshman Bugs Gaschler
Persephone – freshman Martha Miller
Orpheus – sophomore Jazmine (Charlie) Lynd
Eurydice – freshman Rowan Neeley
Rehearsal for “Hadestown” began Monday, Jan. 13 with Alex Underwood as music director and Adrian Rifat as choreographer.
“I get to work with some really talented and amazing people who are serious about what they do, but I also do realize that a lot of passionate people either got cut or didn’t get the roles they wanted, which was especially hard because this year was a smaller cast than usual,” junior Johanna Jones said. “I’m super excited to play Persephone because she’s super spunky and doesn’t really let any man boss her around, and I can’t wait to get to portray that part of her!”