Seniors move to new beginnings following graduation
On Sunday, May 14, the Class of 2023 graduated from Hays High School at 1:30 p.m. at Fort Hays State University’s Gross Memorial Coliseum.
The seniors’ last day of school was Thursday, May 11, while the rest of the students’ last day is Wednesday, May 17.
Seniors had graduation practice on Friday, May 12 at the old Hays High School gymnasium on 12th Street, then tied up loose ends at school or planned for their graduation and graduation parties.
The seniors also had Project Graduation on Sunday night, starting at 9 p.m. They had different games for students to play, and most students stayed the night at the school.
“Though it’s bittersweet to leave, I am so ready to take the next step in my life,” senior Mackenzie Cunningham said.

Hi! I am Jacob Wente, a senior this year! I love music, movies and hanging out with my friends. I am the Entertainment Editor this year!