Orchestra gives special tribute to their retiring teacher
On Monday, May 1, Hays High School’s orchestra participated in the All-City Strings Concert at Hays Middle School
The show started with sixth grade orchestra performing three songs. Then, the seventh graders played their songs, and lastly, the eighth graders performed their pieces.
After the middle schoolers performed, a surprise alumni group came out and performed “Jupiter,” one of retiring Hays High orchestra teacher Joan Crull’s favorite songs. They played the song as a surprise for her in honor of her retirement.
Lastly, after the alumni group, the Hays High orchestras performed. The Concert Orchestra played three songs, then the Chamber Orchestra performed four songs.
For the last song of the night, the Chamber Orchestra, Concert Orchestra and middle school orchestras played “Ode to Joy” together, which they do every year at the All-City Strings Concert.
“My favorite part about the concert was the special tribute to Mrs. Crull because we all think she is so awesome, and seeing her being honored like that was very cool,” junior Grecia Enriquez said.

Hi! I am Jacob Wente, a senior this year! I love music, movies and hanging out with my friends. I am the Entertainment Editor this year!