Leadership Team gives a tour of Hays High for incoming eighth graders
On Friday, March 3 and Monday, March 6, eighth graders from Hays Middle School and some from Thomas More Prep-Marian came to Hays High School to tour the school and explore the different clubs and sports it has.
The visit was hosted by the Leadership Team and other volunteers. Members from each club and sport were given the option to host a table in Gym A, representing their group for the eighth graders to learn about the organization.
Eighth graders gathered in Gym A at 8:30 a.m. and separated into groups. Some toured the school while others visited the tables in the gym.
The eight graders stayed for lunch and returned to school around 11:30 a.m.
“I think the eighth-grade tours are extremely beneficial for them,” junior Emily Stenzel said. “Many of them come to the high school a little shy and nervous, but interacting with their future peers may help calm their nerves down a bit. It introduces a new environment to them and allows them to get a feel for the building they will be attending school in during the fall. They also get to learn about all of the activities that Hays High has to offer, so they can prepare themselves for what they may be interested in getting involved in.”

Hi, my name is Madighan Norris, and I am a senior this year. I am the editor of the Guidon! Next year, I want to go to KU and do something in STEM.