Student Council meets to finish Indian Call week plans
On Wednesday, Feb. 1 in the Lecture Hall, the Student Council group met once again to continue planning for Indian Call week, including activities during PRIDE Time.
For Monday, the students watched the candidate hype video during PRIDE Time. On Tuesday, students were given candy grams that were purchased from Feb. 1-3. For Thursday, students viewed the candidate video and voted for Indian Call king and queen during PRIDE Time. And, on Friday, there was an extended PRIDE time at the end of the day from 2:05 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. for the Indian Call assembly.
During PRIDE time as well, there was a poster contest for anyone wanting to make a poster for the Indian Call basketball game. Participants had time to create their posters during PRIDE time in the library on Monday and Tuesday, then the posters were judged at the basketball game on Friday.
“My favorite part of Indian Call week is the assemblies because they are super fun, or the Dress Your Age Day,” junior StuCo member Lacy Droegemeier said.

Hi there! I am Tavia Wynn-Coffman, and I am a senior. This is my third year on the news staff, and I hope to make the staff a welcoming and fun place for...